Monday, January 8, 2018



Title           : The Hound of the Baskervilles
Author          : Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Country        : United Kingdom
Language       : English
Genre           : Detective fiction
Publisher       : George Newnes
Publication date  : 1902

Nama: Muhammad Azhari Hidayat
NPM: 3061512073
Jurusan: Bahasa Inggris
MK:  Introduction Of Literature
Kelas: 26/D

  1. Summary of “The Hound of the Baskervilles” Novel’s

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson is in their home office at 221b Baker Street in the middle of London. Watson examines a mysterious cane left in the office by an unknown visitor. Mortimer arrives and introduces himself. Dr. James Mortimer appeals for help to Sherlock Holmes. Mortimer reads to Holmes and Watson a description of the origin of the curse written by a descendant of Hugo Baskerville. According to the legend, about Sir Hugo Baskerville was the owner of Baskervilles Hall and the myth. Mortimer also description the mystery of the death of Sir Charles Baskervilles.
            Holmes and Watson quickly discover that Sir Henry Baskerville is being trailed in London by a mysterious bearded stranger. Holmes, however, announces that he is too busy in London to accompany Mortimer and Sir Henry to Devonshire to get to the bottom of the case, and he sends Dr. Watson to be his eyes and ears, insisting that he report back regularly.
Mortimer, Watson, and Sir Henry set off for Baskerville Hall the following Saturday. But, in the outside Baskervilles Hall, Mortimer leave Watson and Sir Henry because he have something to do. Barrymore and his wife already to greeting them in Baskervilles Hall. Watson has trouble sleeping that night, and hears a woman sobbing.
Watson meets Jack Stapleton, a naturalist familiar with the moor even though he has only been in the area for two years.  He then runs off after a specimen of the butterfly. Watson is not alone for long before Miss Stapleton, Jack's sister, approaches him. Mistaking him for Sir Henry, she urgently warns him to leave the area, but drops the subject when her brother returns.  Before he gets far along the path, Miss Stapleton overtakes him and retracts her warning. Watson notices that the brother and sister don't look very much alike.
Sir Henry soon meets Miss Stapleton and becomes romantically interested, despite her brother’s intrusions. Watson meets another neighbor, Mr. Frankland, a harmless eccentric whose primary pastime is initiating lawsuits. Barrymore draws increasing suspicion, as Watson sees him late at night walk with a candle into an empty room, hold it up to the window, and then leave. Realizing that the room has a view out on the moor, Watson and Sir Henry determine to figure out what is going on.
Meanwhile, during the day, Sir Henry continues to pursue Miss Stapleton until her brother runs up on them and angrily. To show there are no hard feelings, he invites Sir Henry to diner with him and his sister on Friday.
Sir Henry then becomes the person doing the surprising, when he and Watson walk in on Barrymore. Barrymore refuses to answer their questions, since it is not his secret to tell, but Mrs. Barrymore’s. She tells them that the runaway. Selden is her brother and the candle is a signal to him that food has been left for him. They see Selden by another candle, but are unable to catch him. When they tried to catch selden, they had an accident and killed Selden.
Watson meet Holmes in the moor, he tells all strangers in Baskervilles and actually Holmes know that. They meet Sir Henry, and they setting the trap. Holmes sent a telegram and Inspector Lestrade will come to join with them, Holmes and Watson met Inspector Lestrade at Grimpen Station. They followed Sir Henry go to Merripit House, Sir Henry meting to Stapleton, but there is not miss Stapleton. When Sir Henry go home, he has attact a huge black shape. Holmes and Watson fired their revolver at the black shape, and the dog is dead.
Miss Stapleton, who turns out to be Stapleton wife and not his sister, is discovered tied up in his house, having refused to participate in his dastardly scheme.Back in London, Holmes open that mysterious warning note came from Miss Stapleton, whose philandering husband had denied their marriage so as to seduce and Miss Stapleton. Her husband tried to kill Sir Henry for Baskerville money.
  1. The Main Character
The main characters in The Hound of the Baskervilles are :

·         Sherlock Holmes
·         Doctor John Watson
·         Doctor James Mortimer
·         Sir Charles Baskerville
·         Sir Henry Baskerville
·         Mr. Jack Stapleton
·         Mr. Barrymore
·         Mrs. Eliza Barrymore
·         Beryl Stapleton
·         Laura Lyons
·         Mr. Frankland
·         Selden
·         Lestrade

  1. Characteristic
Sherlock Holmes : - Tokoh utama, protagonis. Holmes adalah detektif yang sangat cerdik. Dia tinggal dan bekerja di London di Baker Street 221. Seorang detektif dengan mata yang tajam, hidung elang, dan topi khas yang biasa dipakainya juga pipa rokok. Tokoh yang cerdik, cerdas, licik dan juga ambisius ketika menghadapi suatu kasus yang dianggapnya menarik.
Dr. John Watson: - Karakter utama, protagonis. Watson adalah teman Sherlock Holmes. Dia membantu Sherlock Holmes untuk memecahkan misteri. Watson bertindak sebagai pembantu untuk kejeniusan Holmes dan sebagai tokoh yang menunjang tokoh sherlock. Dokter yang baik memainkan peran kaki tangan untuk tokoh pahlawan Holmes. Seorang tokoh yang lebih manusiawi dibandingkan holmes dia tokoh yang lebih loyal, peduli ke sesame walaupun kadang dia terlalu emosional pada sebuah kejadian.
Dr. James Mortimer:-  Karakter minor. Teman keluarga dan dokter di Baskervilles. Mortimer tinggal di Dartmoor di barat daya Inggris. Dia adalah seorang dokter pedalaman di baskervilles, pindahan dari Charring Cross Hospital. Dokter yang baik dan juga peduli pada pasien, periang, tidak ambisius dan pelupa.
Sir Charles Baskerville:- Karakter Minor. Sir Charles adalah pemilik Baskervilles Hall. Dia adalah seorang pria yang percaya takhayul, dan takut akan kutukan Baskerville dan kesehatannya yang memudar saat kematiannya. Seorang pria dermawan yang suka membantu orang lain, baik dan juga sangat peduli pada orang lain, juga seorang pria yang loyal.
Sir Henry Baskerville:- Karakter utama, protagonis, datar. Keponakan almarhum Sir Charles dan kerabat dekatnya. Sir Henry adalah pemilik baru Baskervilles Hall. Dia datang dari Kanada untuk tinggal di Inggris. Pria pemarah namun baik, juga orang yang romantis. Di beberapa cerita diakhir jadi penakut saat mendengar lolongan anjing dan memicu dia percaya dengan kutukan baskervilles. Pria yang suka berpetualang dan berani juga gentleman.
Mr. Jack Stapleton:- Karakter minor, antagonis, bermuka bulat. Seorang ahli entomologi kurus dan kutu buku dan seorang guru sekolah satu kali, Stapleton tinggal di Merripit House dekat Grimpen Mire. Dia tertarik pada tanaman, burung dan serangga di Dartmoor. Tokoh penjahat yang licik dan hamper bias membodohi Holmes, berhati iblis dan seorang yang bermuka dua. Memulai tipuan menjadi tokoh yang suka dengan serangga hingga akhirnya menjadi tokoh yang sangat jahat.
Mr. and Mrs. Barrymore:- Karakter minor, . Mereka adalah pelayan di Baskervilles Hall. Dua tokoh yang menjadi pelayan yang setia kepada majikan mereka, juga baik. Sang suami Juga loyal kepada keluarganya ini diliat dari dia berani menolong seorang penjahat berdarah dingin yang adalah saudaranya. Dan sang istri yang digambarkan Watson sebagai orang yang diluar keliatan tanpa emosi dan terhormat tapi ternyata didalam dia sangat emosional ini ditunjukkan ketika dia menangis ditengah malam.
Beryl Stapleton:- Karakter minor . Nona Stapleton adalah adik Stapleton. Dia tinggal di Merripit House. Dia wanita jangkung dan cantik dengan rambut hitam dan mata gelap. Tapi sebenarnya dia adalah istri Stapleton. Tokoh yang diawal sangat misterius yang diakui sebagai adik dari Mr.stapleton yang ternyata adalah isterinya, dia setia kepada suaminya dengan mengikuti semua keinginan suaminya walau dia tetap tidak mau melibatkan diri dengan kejahatan criminal. Dia juga beberapa kali menolong sir Henry dengan cara memperingatkannya tentang bahaya yang mengancamnya.
Laura Lyons:-Karakter minor, tokoh wanita yang juga setia kepada stapleton karena ditipu, tokoh yang sebenarnya terlibat secara tidak sengaja dengan kematian Sir Charles. Orang yang sebenarnya baik tapi mudah terhasut oleh rayuan manis dan juga orang yang keras kepala dilihat dari dia sangat melindungi informasi tentang dia dan stapletone diawal tapi pada akhirnya dia bongkar juga.
Mr. Frankland:- Karakter minor.  Frankland tinggal di Lafter Hall dekat Coombe Tracey. Dia tertarik untuk mempelajari bintang-bintang dan memiliki teleskop besar. Tokoh yang mempunyai hobi yang tidak biasa yaitu menuntut hokum pada orang lain, juga dia merupakan ayah dari Laura yang mengabaikan anaknya karena menikah dengan orang yang tidak disukai oleh Mr. Frankland.
Selden:-  Karakter Minor. Selden adalah tawanan yang melarikan diri dari Penjara Dartmoor. Saudara dari Mrs.Barrymore  yang digambarkan mempunyai sikap yang buruk layaknya iblis dan binatang. Tapi dia akhirnya mati akibat terjatuh dan lehernya patah karena dikejar anjing milik Stapleton.
Lestrade:- karakter minor, tokoh yang selalu membantu Holmes diakhir karena Cuma terlibat saat penangkapan. Tokoh yang sebenarnya baik tapi sangat kesal terhadapa Holmes Karena sikap Holmes yang sering keterlaluan. Lestrade sendiri adalah seorang polisi dari Scotland Yard; Dia dan Holmes sering berbenturan mengenai apakah deduksi kreatif Holmes bisa dipercaya atau tidak. Sebenarnya, dia adalah musuh lama Holmes yang berkencan sepanjang perjalanan kembali ke petualangan Holmes pertama A Study in Scarlet. Tapi rupanya, oleh The Hound of the Baskervilles, mereka kebanyakan telah menyelesaikan perbedaan mereka.
  1. Plot
Plot cerita ini adalah plot konvensional, Karena ada eksposisi aksi meningkat, klimaks, aksi jatuh, dan resolusi.
  1. Tone
Tone yang dipakai adalah Emotional and Interested.
Watson mencakup banyak dialog, sehingga nada narasinya sering bergeser setiap kali dia berbicara dengan seseorang yang baru. Namun, ada nuansa khas terhadap monolog dan deskripsi internal Watson. Misalnya, ambil adegan ini dari malam pertamanya di Baskerville Hall:

Far away a chiming clock struck out the quarters of the hours, but otherwise a deathly silence lay upon the old house. And then suddenly, in the very dead of the night, there came a sound to my ears, clear, resonant, and unmistakable. It was the sob of a woman, the muffled, strangling gasp of one who is torn by an uncontrollable sorrow. (6.72)
Watson terpesona oleh semua detail kecil dari adegan ini, oleh " chiming clock " dan " muffled, strangling gasp " dari isak tangis wanita yang tidak dikenal itu. Dia memiliki mata yang bagus (atau telinga) secara spesifik, yang selalu memberi kesan - bahkan dalam deskripsi emosional yang kurang dari ini - Watson sangat tertarik dengan apa pun yang dia laporkan kepada kita.

Simak bagaimana Watson menyajikan air mata wanita misterius ini. Dia menekankan bahwa " a deathly silence lay upon the old house," ketika " in the very dead of night" he hears sobbing " dia mendengar terisak-isak. Pengulangan "death" ini tidak hanya memberi kita perasaan bahwa  sunyi dan diam rumah itu (jawabannya: sangat), tapi juga memberi perasaan sedih dan kemurungan pada deskripsi Watson tentang tangisan yang didengarnya. Pilihan bahasa Watson di sini menunjukkan rasa emosi sekaligus fakta, yang membantu menarik minat kita sebagai pembaca. Sebenarnya, semua deskripsi Watson cenderung menekankan bagaimana perasaan mereka, yang memberi kita perasaan tidak hanya tentang pemandangan, tapi juga kepribadian Watson.
  1. Setting
·         Setting of time :
v   One morning in 1889, when a man knocked on the door.
v   In the year 1645, Sir Hugo Baskerville was the owner of  Baskervilles Hall.
v   The next morning, Dr. Mortimer brought Sir Henry Baskerville to Basker Street.
v   That night I wrote a letter to Sherlock Holmes.
v   Then he invited Sir Henry to dinner at Merripit House on Friday night.
v    In the morning, we sent for the police.
v   Inspector Lestrade arrived from London at five o’clock.
·      Setting of place :
v       Sherlock Holmes lives 221B Baker Street, in the middle of  London.
v       The next morning, Dr. Mortimer brought Sir Henry Baskerville to Basker Street.
v       We arrived at the Northumberland Hotel at ten minutes to two.
v       Sherlock holmes came with me to Paddington Station.
v       We got off the train at the small station in Grimpen Village.
v       But here is my house – Merripit House on the moor.
v       Then he invited Sir Henry to dinner at Merripit House on Friday night.
  1. Point Of View
POV yang digunakan disini adalah First Person Central Narrator
Watson adalah narator pertama kita. Dia melaporkan segala sesuatu yang Holmes lakukan dari sudut pandangnya. Gambarannya tentang kejadian The Hound of the Baskervilles menekankan atmosfer kasus ini, dengan setting suram dan orang-orang anehnya. Jika Holmes menceritakan ceritanya, siapa tahu apa itu tulang telanjang, gaya peluru cerita yang akan kita dapatkan. Tidak ada burung layang-layang berkabut, tidak ada siluet yang melawan bulan-hanya fakta saja. Hanya memikirkan kemungkinan itu membuat kami ingin menutup buku.
  1. Moral Value
Nilai moral dari Novel ini adalah:
"Orang serakah yang akan membawanya ke dalam kehancuran"

"Berpikirlah sebelum bertindak"


Modernization results in the loss of Banjarese traditions

Modernization results in the loss of Banjarese traditions
            Modernization in the social sciences refers to a form of transformation from a less developed state or to a better direction in the hope of achieving a more advanced, thriving and prosperous society. Modernization is not only happening in the capital but also penetrated to other cities, for example Banjarmasin. Banjarese people especially young children are currently deeply affected and are beginning to forget their tradition as Banjarese, they begin to transform into more westernized people whom they perceive as slang and reflect the cool and modern young. many causes that make the tradition of Banjar begin to disappear, some of which are technological developments that are too fast, the absence of parents who teach the tradition of Banjar to his son, and Banjarese young people assume that their traditions are outdated and boring. it is these causes that the writers believe greatly affects the loss of the Banjar tradition.
             When used properly, Internet technology certainly has a positive impact. One can easily find the information you want to know. By simply typing a word on a search engine, there are many websites referenced about that information. But this also causes children or teenagers begin to forget their traditions that should be preserved or maintained by adolescents who still have a long future. They prefer to play with their gadgets longer than studying their traditions, whereas the tradition of Banjar itself has its own pleasure when you have done it and also should they as adolescent Banjar want to maintain this because part of the past development of banjar society. whereas the writers argue that with the development of their technology even more able to re-establish the tradition of Banjar and introduce it to the world through social media is now very popular.
            Another thing that is also the cause is the absence of parents who teach the tradition of Banjar to his son. Some parents think that teaching children about the Banjar tradition is just a waste of time, they think by teaching the Banjar tradition that it will hamper their child's development and make it impossible to compete in the present life. Whereas teaching from parents to children about tradition is very important because parents can be a role model by showing love of Banjarese tradition because by being an example to children, parents can show that they appreciate and love Banjarese traditions then most likely children will imitate them and then become people who also love the traditions of Banjarese. However, most parents do not think so, even those who abandon their traditions and forget them because they think it has nothing to them. The writers deeply regrets this because for me the tradition is a legacy of the past that must be maintained, whereas Banjarese tradition itself is very unique and interesting to learn.
            Another cause that makes the writer sad is Banjarese young people assume that their traditions are outdated and boring. They assume that the Banjarese tradition is out of date so they do not learn it and prefer to study the foreign culture that they consider more modern. They are also reluctant to learn it because they think it's boring when they want to learn and then update it and pack it into a more modern, Banjarese tradition will be a very interesting tradition and may even bring in income for those who teach it.  For writers those who think that the Banjarese tradition is outdated and boring because they have not learned and are familiar with the tradition, but if they want to learn it Banjarese tradition is very exciting in terms of history and how to do these traditions. Such as the tradition of  baayun anak, which has a unique history to know, why do they use a kain kuning and tali haduk to swing for? Singing a distinctive and special song for maayun, and so on. is not this very interesting to learn and not boring?.
            Every cause must have an effect that occurs, from which the authors conclude there are two effects resulting from the causes above and those two things are:
            No one wants to learn the Banjarese tradition. Because young people are more focused on their gadgets and other things they find more attractive and modern. They ultimately didn’t want to learn the Banjarese tradition which they considered boring and out of date, their lack of motivation to study the Banjarese tradition will result in this tradition becoming extinct and disappearing for good. However, this can’t be blamed only on the younger generation; the older generation is also responsible for this because they do not want to teach the younger generation. There should be continuity between the young and the elderly, the old teaches the young and the young learn the tradition and update it to make it more interesting for other youths to take part in preserving the Banjarese tradition. And can still preserve the Banjarese tradition
            The most terrible effect is extinction of the Banjarese tradition. When this happens the Banjarese tradition that can’t compete in this era of modernization will only remain a memory and history. We can only hear through our parents' stories and look through history books on this subject. This makes the writer sad the disappearance of the Banjarese tradition means the disappearance of the original Banjar and there is no such thing as Banjar People in south Kalimantan. And this means missing also one tradition in Indonesia which he said is full of variety and culture.
            At the end of this essay, the writer expects us all as young people who have a long future to learn our traditions as Banjar people. Although in the midst of the onslaught of modernization we must be able to maintain the Banjarese tradition in order not to disappear from the world and if we can bring our tradition abroad so that our unique and interesting culture can make them impressed. By introducing them to them we can also lift our region to become famous and increase revenue to our region also we can ultimately contribute to our region, where we are born and enjoy our childhood until we are like now. It is also a form of our gratitude towards our ancestors who gave us life as it is today. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Essay About Social Media

Social Media

            Social media is an escape for people from the real world. The writer is one of them, I oftentimes escape from the real world I prefer to lock myself up in the playground of social media than out of the house. See all the things in the world in a screen is something that people often choose to escape from painful and unaccountable reality. They assume with social media they can be themselves. Someone who prefers social media rather than the real world can also be because they have difficulty communicating with others like the writer and they may also assume that social media is more interesting than the real world.
            People who have difficulty communicating with others tend to prefer to alienate themselves. However, that was done in a time when there was no social media now where social media has become a primary need in the community they will choose to escape into social media, where they feel more able to communicate with others than when meeting directly. The writer also experienced the same thing, I have difficulty communicating with other people in the sense I'm less able to make a topic of conversation with others and often make others angry or offended by what I'm talking about even though I didn’t mean to say anything painful. Because of that I prefer silence and prefer to play social media rather than talking to other people. The reason as is possible for some people is the stupid reason but for us who experienced it it’s very painful and keeps us away from you.
            Another reason people prefer social media is because they consider that social media is more interested than the real world. For some people who are getting bored with their lives they will more fall into the world of social media because in social media they feel they can be more themselves. They can express what they want to express freely in social media because when they are in the real world they will hold themselves to express what they think or feel about others, they are restricted by the word "community norm" which if they violate the punishment will be a bad view of the community about them. Even in many cases that I meet they create two accounts of social media so they can be someone else and free to do what they like. The writers sometimes feel that the real world starts boring and prefer social media for the runaway and I feel that the real world is painful and life in cyberspace is more fun.
            The above also cause a lot of effects that result to humans themselves, such as they start to stay away from communicating with other in real world and they begin to confine themselves for fear of the outside world.
            A frightening effect as they begin to fall into the world of social media is they start to stay away from communicating with other in real world. They assume that talking to other people in the real world is no longer important and prefers to communicate with their friends in social media because they are more confident in a friend they can’t see the original and they are also afraid of losing themselves as they talk to people in the real world. Also as mentioned above those who have problems with communication, with them get attention and ease when they communicate with others in social media can be ascertained they will further away from the real world. Those who are addicted to social media cause themselves to feel that people in the real world always have evil intentions on them, this is because their psyche begins to be disturbed and make delusions to themselves about other people.
            Another effect is they confine themselves for fear of the outside world. As mentioned a bit in the above statement they begin to make delusions that others have evil intentions against them. It makes them feel the fear of the outside world, they will begin to confine themselves and only live in the world of social media. They feel that living in a social media world makes them feel more welcome than the real world, making them feel their own interest in social media and feel life in the social media world is more fun than the real world. To get to this stage is just some people who will arrive, those who get to the stage of confinement is usually caused by bullying cases.

            Many things that cause people to prefer social media than the real world in addition to the things mentioned and more also the bad effects that can be obtained. But it all depends on the personal user, if the user is a person who is always close to his God such a thing will not happen because they have a better vent venue than social media. And despite many negative effects, social media also has many positive effects on us such as we can communicate with people around the world, create business in social media and other things that are beneficial to our lives. For those who have had the ill effects of social media, the people around them should help them to get out and raise them from what are their handcuffs don’t ignore them and make them feel less appreciated. Help them and heal them because all they need is the attention of those around them.

Friday, December 8, 2017


Name           : Muhammad Azhari Hidayat
NPM           : 30621512073
Course        : Writing III
Class           : Banjarbaru
Semester     : V
Lecturer      Ninuk Krismanti, S.Pd., M.Hum.

How to shop successfully on eBay

            When you come to shopping online, eBay is your best option to shop. With over 60% of all online sellers of eBay working together with PayPal, it makes one of the most reliable online-shopping options in the U.S and the world. EBay also has more than millions items sold by many sellers in the world. Almost every product is cheaper than in any retail store. However, every online-shopping site has its weakness like scam from the sellers. Follow these steps to successfully shop on eBay: (1) register on eBay, (2) read the item description, (3) read the review, (4) ensure the warranty of the goods.
               First step, register on eBay. When you want to open eBay you will surely get a notification whether you want to register or not, of course you should be because this is your first step to be successful shopping on eBay. This makes it easy for you to buy and you can also interact with other members. You can also join to eBay community which can make it easier for you to ask about the items you are looking for, cause there are some items whose name can’t be found on a regular search or there is a difference of mention between you and the seller in term of item names. With registering you can also get security in buying because there are sometimes some online-shopping places that give guarantee to their members and eBay is one of them.  Register eBay can also make you Save your favorite searches and get notified whenever items you’re looking for appear. And most importantly the main conditions if you want to buy something on eBay you must registered first.
               Second step, read item description. If you want to buy something on eBay you should read item description because there are some sellers who sell items that don’t match what they display, so you should read the description when you buy the item you also get the same item you want. you can also pay attention to the physical characteristics of the items you will buy because you can’t see directly the items. With read the description you can also see the price of the item, of course you will not be happy when you pay the item and the price exceeds the money we have. With read the description too you can see what are the advantages and disadvantages of the item will you buy. And with reading the description of the item we can also find out how much extra charge for shipping, and you can see if the items are still available or not. With read item description you can also avoid the scam from sellers.
                Third step, read the review. Read the review from another buyer also make you success to shop on eBay, because there are some items that descriptions are good but when the item come to us it’s defective. Read the review also can make us see whether the goods are good or not from the view of the person who has bought it. You can also see if the seller is friendly or arrogant to the buyer, surely you will happy to shop when the seller is friendly to you right?,.  A good review also shows that the item you will buy is have good quality product  and also favored by other buyers.  A positive review also shows how the seller handles the goods they sell and to their buyers whether they are satisfied or not with the seller. And the seller gets many positive review is the most I recommend to you.

               Fourth step, ensure the warranty of the goods. When you shop online you have to make sure if the seller give the warranty of the goods they sell, because when the goods arrive and the goods are defective or not according to our wishes we can return to the seller again. warranty on the goods also prevent us from fraud , because with the warranty of the seller must be responsible for the goods they sell if a crime is found you may also report it to eBay and sellers can be liable to any applicable sanctions on eBay. Warranty also indicates that the goods sold are legal goods.  I’m more recommended to you looking for a seller who has warranty because of your warranty when the goods arrive and don’t  according  your wishes, besides being able to return the goods you can also receive your refund may even be charged for your losses. With the warranty you will get comfort in shopping.
               In conclusion, although there are many concerns when you shop on eBay such as fraud, goods that don’t according to your wishes, defective or damaged goods, and the other. in the way I've mentioned above and the explanation of why you should follow it You can conveniently shop online on eBay.